Automated sales funnels

Automated sales funnels

Whether you're launching or looking for an evergreen funnel we can help.

Whether you're launching or looking for an evergreen funnel we can help.

A custom funnel project is perfect for you if…

You have an established business

You're launching a funnel for your business that is at least 3+ years old.

You have an established offer to sell

You have successfully sold your offer before, either through a funnel or manually.

You know your perfect-fit client

You know who they are and how to attract them to you. You're not trying to market to everyone.

What's Included

Funnel Mapping session

A 90-minute zoom call to map out your funnel and make sure we've covered everything that's needed.

Custom Design

We'll craft a beautiful design created to delight your perfect-fit clients/customers.

Funnel Pages

We will design and build out all the pages needed as part of your funnel.


We can either provide templates for you to create the copy, or we can create it for you.


We will build out all the automations necessary to make the funnel work

Tracking Spreadsheet

We will create a custom tracking spreadsheet so that you can track your numbers


We will test the funnel before it launches to make sure everything is working as it should.

Launch graphics

A gift from us to you, we include a pack of graphics for you to use on social media to launch your funnel.

Follow up call

Within 3 months of handover we will have a de-brief call and go over the numbers from your tracking sheet.


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  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-MMMA
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-wake and bake
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  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-Flourished Woman
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-CBH
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-1 on 1
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  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-body re-boot
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-elevation mastermind
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  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-MMMA
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-wake and bake
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  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-Flourished Woman
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-CBH
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-1 on 1
  • Browser Mockup Portfolio-SWTPOO

The Process


Phase 1

Onboarding & Homework

We set up a project dashboard in our PM tool and invite you to join. Here, we gather all your brand assets, copy and everything we need for the funnel including outlines of your offers, photography etc. This is also where communication about the project happens. Once we have all of the assets and information from you we can book the project into our schedule.


Phase 1

Funnel Mapping

If not already held, we schedule in our funnel mapping session. This is where we map out every aspect of the funnel which then becomes our scope of work. We confirm our quote for the project at this stage, too.


Phase 1


We will send our copy workbook documents for you to complete to allow us to then make a start on the copy for the project. Usually, depending on the funnel, we will need to complete one part of the copy before starting any design or build work, whether it be for a sales page, lead magnet or something else.


Phase 2


We come up with an overall aesthetic and gain feedback and approval from you before moving forwards with the design of the funnel as a whole.


Phase 2

Page Design

We usually start with the first (or only) sales page. This is the longest piece to design as once it's approved we use assets from here across the rest of the funnel. Once approved, we move onto the other pages of the funnel.


Phase 3


Once all the pages are approved we then build out the funnel on the platform we're working on. Please make sure we're happy to build on your platform of choice before agreeing to work with us - we can make recommendations, too.


Phase 2-3

Additional Assets

Whilst the funnel pages are being built, we will create any additional assets that were agreed to during the funnel mapping session. This may include emails, course area design & build, form creation, fillable PDFs etc.


Phase 4

Integrations & Automations

We connect the funnel to emails, course areas, forms or any other additional assets as discussed and agreed upon within the funnel mapping session. We require your payment processor to be set up before we reach this stage so that we can integrate it with the funnel.


Phase 4

Testing & Launch

We test the funnel, and ask you do to the same, make any final tweaks and ensure everything is running smoothly before your launch. We also include a data tracking spreadsheet so that you can watch the numbers for your funnel and review how it is performing.



Approximately 3 months after hand-off we schedule in a review to assess the data you've gathered in your spreadsheet. We ask that you this out weekly so that the review can take place as without the data we have nothing to review. At this time we can share any insight or strategies to help increase conversions, if required.

Sprinkling our signature CREATE formula into everything we do



















What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying

Samantha Hearne

Business Coach


I have been working with Cat and Orenki for a long time now and they have completely rebranded everything that needed up leveling, created cohesion between all of my sales pages, opt in pages, and funnels. They’ve made sure that everything is working properly, really up leveled what we've done from our graphics, what I'm doing on my Instagram stories, when I do guest speaking appearances, and just made sure that everything has its own brand identity, which has been absolutely incredible for me. It's been absolutely amazing and I would 100% recommend anybody to work with them.

Lisa Easton

Founder, Millionaire Morning Mamas


I had the privilege of working with Cat on my funnel rebrand and redesign, and I can't say enough great things. She is super organised. She has a great communication style, quick turnaround time, and the ability to manage such a big project and keep you in the loop along the way was exceptional. But the best part for me is that before Cat put her expertise on my funnel, we were about at $10K sales per month. And in the last two months, we've hit $75K in one month. That was in September. And for October, we are projected to hit $100K in sales.

Anna Wallace

Founder, The Weight Loss Academy


I can honestly say this is the first time someone has been able to take what I actually wanted and make it look even better. Our clients are having an even better experience with us. Our sales pages are converting better. Everything fits together. I loved that Cat and her team are the whole package, not only are they great from a design perspective, also from a functional perspective, to copy, sales pages, you name it. It made it easier for me. Thank you Cat and team for all your hard work and for supporting bringing our mission to the world in a very beautiful way.


How long does it take?
What platforms do you work on?
Can you advise on the tech?
Service Guide

Access our service guide and discover all the ways we can work together and at what levels of investments

Whether it's consulting or done-for-you projects we have something to suit your needs and budget!

Service Guide

Access our service guide and discover all the ways we can work together and at what levels of investments

Whether it's consulting or done-for-you projects we have something to suit your needs and budget!

Service Guide

Access our service guide and discover all the ways we can work together and at what levels of investments

Whether it's consulting or done-for-you projects we have something to suit your needs and budget!